Insurance Claims

repairs done right

The safety of you and your family is the most important factor when getting repair work done. At Accelerated Collision Repair we utilize the leading resources in the industry that include I-CAR, All-Data, and OEM repair recommendations. With the advanced features in modern cars, we utilize the necessary specialized repair techniques and equipment to diagnose and restore your vehicle. Our technicians are equipped with the training and tools needed to bring your vehicle back to it's condition prior to the collision.

Handling an insurance claim can be additional stress after experiencing an auto collision. Our experience working with all major insurance companies will give you the piece of mind in making sure that your vehicle is returned to pre-accident condition.  The choice of repair facility will always be yours after an accident.  Bring your vehicle to us and rest easy knowing you've brought your car to a place you can trust, will work for you, and keep you updated throughout the entire process. 

One of the key components of choosing the right repair facility is to ask yourself: What do I expect? Do I want a safe repair? Do I want a facility that uses the proper repair techniques to fix my car? Do I want a thorough examination of all the damage that may have occurred to my car? Do I want a facility that will help me to understand my rights dealing with my insurance company? If the answers to these questions is YES, then you are looking for Gold Class Shop like Accelerated Collision Repair. We use our countless hours of training and experience to insure that all the damage on your vehicle is repaired. This may include damage that you can’t always see. We look forward to helping guide you through the process of getting your vehicle repairs done the right way.

Recently in an accident? Not sure where to start? Click here and let us guide you through the repair process. Through the online portal provided in our Carwise Profile, you have the flexibility to create an appointment in person or start your process with a few photos ! Click here to begin your journey to restore your vehicle to pre accident condition.